July 31, 2024
Learning the Freedom of Life Through the Opportunities of Trade Schools
Applewood Plumbing Heating & Electric is working to promote trade careers through community partnerships.

In a special collaboration, Applewood is working with The Masters Apprentice Program to further the skills and assets of students through real life examples of reputation, knowledge and accountability of a residential trade company.
“We are excited to help these students work to become masters in this industry through Applewood’s training sessions,” said Jennifer Cookson, Talent Acquisition Coordinator. “Students are taught the skills and responsibilities of finding and landing a trade position.”
Trade school attendees in Colorado have risen 18% this year from high school graduates, according to the U.S. Department of Education. The Masters Apprentice Program is a local Denver trade program that works to help young adults interested in entering the electrical, construction, plumbing and HVAC industries. This program teaches students the practical abilities, knowledge and experience needed to be successful in their industry and lifelong tools and advice useful in and outside the office.

Through panels, mock interviews, presentation advice and feedback, Applewood teaches these students how to sell themselves in any interview.
“We educate and raise the whole individual making them stand out in the industry,” said Torrence Jackson, the director of Corporate Partnerships at MAP. “80% of students who complete MAP receive placement in a job within their chosen industry.”
Applewood recently hired two Masters Apprentice students who completed MAP last July and are now working as technician apprentices for the company.
“This program was the best decision I have ever made; it’s truly a Godsend,” said Clayton, one of the recently hired MAP students. “After my one year apprenticeship with Applewood ends this month, I will continue to work for Applewood as an HVAC technician.”
Applewood is the largest family-owned plumbing, heating and electrical service company in Colorado. They actively support the community in several ways including support of youth sports programs, its quarterly Caring Community Giveaway and trade scholarships at Red Rocks Community College.